The Naturgy Foundation’s Energy School explains to vulnerable families in Boimorto, Frades and Boqueixón how to use energy efficiently and reduce their energy bills

The power company’s foundation organizes training workshops in partnership with the local councils. More than 300 families in the province of A Coruña have received this training over the course of this year.

The Naturgy Foundation organizes four training sessions of the Energy School in Boimorto, Frades and Boqueixón this month with the aim of offering vulnerable families guidelines for more efficient energy consumption, reducing the amount of their bills without compromising on comfort in their homes.

The workshop in Boimorto is set to be held at the Senior Center (Rúa Gándara s / n), at 10:30 a.m. Frades’ session will take place on September 25, in the Multipurpose Building of the Town Hall, at 5pm. In Boqueixón, the session will take place on the 26th, and there will also be another one, that same day, for the municipal technicians, both in the afternoon.

This year, the Naturgy Foundation has organised 30 sessions in the province of A Coruña, attended by more than a 300 families in vulnerable situations.

These sessions address matters relating to energy efficiency and bill optimisation, and also identify who may be eligible for the subsidised rate and provide help applying for it. “Our aim is to empower the most vulnerable people, so that they can minimise the impact of energy costs by applying the measures and advice explained in the workshops, and train social workers to help them in their daily work,” says Ester Sevilla, Head of the Social and International Projects Department of the Naturgy Foundation.

The Energy School is a Naturgy Foundation project forming part of the Naturgy Energy Vulnerability Plan. María Eugenia Coronado, Managing Director of the Naturgy Foundation, highlighted the partnership between the foundation and local authorities and social entities. “This initiative has been made possible by our partnership with such experienced travel companions as the public authorities, and the professionals and volunteers of NGOs such as the Red Cross and Caritas, and many other social entities that do a great job in municipalities all over Spain”.

Since its launch in June 2017, the Energy School has trained more than 17,000 people, including energy vulnerable families, specialists in the third sector and the public authorities throughout Spain.

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