Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation analyses new electricity storage technologies in Seville
At a seminar, organised in collaboration with the Regional Government of Andalusia, several experts analysed the energy challenge of storing electricity and the technological and economic barriers that must be overcome in order to achieve viable storage.
The Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation presented the book entitled El Almacenamiento de la Electricidad (Electricity Storage), which details the different electricity storage technologies currently being used today around the world.
In Seville earlier today, the Director-General for Industry, Energy and Mines of the Regional Government of Andalusia, María José Asensio, and the Managing Director of the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation, Martí Solà, officially opened the seminar entitled El almacenamiento de la electricidad (Electricity Storage) to analyse the various electricity storage technologies and the technological and economic barriers that must be overcome to achieve this.
The event, which was attended by almost 200 professionals from companies, universities and public authorities engaged in the energy, mobility and environment sectors, was closed by the Director-General for Prevention and Environmental Quality of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Fernando Martínez Vidal, and the Managing Director of the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation, Martí Solà.
During the course of the seminar, the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation presented the book entitled El almacenamiento de la electricidad (Electricity Storage), written by the Director of the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Joan Ramón Morante. The book, published by the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation, describes the different storage systems being developed and the decisive impact they might have on the efficient and effective development of smart electricity grids, electric vehicles and renewable energies.
The intermittency of electricity generation with renewable energies is one of the factors considered as a major handicap for these technologies. In this regard, the researcher from the Medium Temperature Thermal Solar Power of the Almeria Solar Platform, CIEMAT PSA, Rocío Bayón, explained the thermal storage system based on molten salts and highlighted the improvements introduced by this technology in electricity generation with renewable energies.
The Head of the Technological Innovation Department of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Manuel Calvo, presented a new technology known as Power-to-Gas, which enables hydrogen to be generated though water and electricity, which is subsequently injected into the gas network directly or converted to methane (synthetic gas). This system, which is already being used in Germany and the Netherlands, will allow the electricity surpluses from renewable generation to be harnessed by converting them into hydrogen, which could then be stored by using the storage capacity of the gas system itself.
Furthermore, the Director for Battery Business Development at Jofemar, Joaquín Chacón, presented the current lithium-ion battery technology from a technical and market perspective and its leading position in clean mobility applications, highlighting the challenges faced for development in this sector. Joaquín Chacón stressed that the lithium battery market doubled in size in 2012, representing in Europe 29% of the global market.
The Assistant Director of the Hydraulics Department of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, David Alejandro, explained that pumped storage hydroelectric power plants are currently the only effective large-scale storage system in existence and described their important role for the penetration of renewables in the electricity system due to their flexibility, large capacity for storage and adaptability to supply and demand.
Finally, the Business Development Manager of Abengoa Hidrógeno, África Castro, explained other chemical storage technologies based on hydrogen. He explained that the subsequent conversion of this fuel into electricity can be achieved with 50-60% efficiency by using fuel cells or H2 engines and microturbines with a performance of 30-35%.
Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation
The Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation, founded in 1992, works to promote information and training and raise social awareness of improvements in energy efficiency and technological innovation in the field of energy while respecting and protecting the environment. It promotes cultural activities through its Gas Museum that are aimed at preserving and publicising the sector's historical and cultural heritage. It also has a programme to support exports for small and medium-sized enterprises. Its international activities are carried out in Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Morocco, Italy, Moldova and South Africa.
Seville, 04 February 2016.