More than 1,300 students from Vallès Occidental are participating in the educational scheme from Fundació Naturgy on energy technologie

More than a thousand nursery, primary and secondary school students from Terrassa, Sabadell, Sant Cugat and Rubí are participating in workshops on the current energy challenges and new energy technologies, given by Fundació Naturgy at educational centres in all four towns. This initiative forms part of the educational work carried out by Efigy Education, with which the foundation aims to reach 12,000 students across Spain this year

The schools in the Vallès Occidental participating this year in the scheme are:Escola Tecnos, Escola Maria Auxiliadora and Escola Àgora, in Sant Cugat; Escola Salvador Vinyals, in Terrassa; Escola Regina Carmeli, Escola Ribas and Institut Torrent dels Alous, in Rubí; and Escola Cifuentes and Escola Mas Boadella, in Sabadell. In total, fifty workshops will be held on site. They will all adhere to strict safety measures complying with Covid regulations to guarantee students’ safety. 6 further workshops will be held virtually.

After these sessions, the scheme will continue throughout the year, with contents on energy in the area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), adapted to all the levels of the school curricula. The objective is also to promote and encourage working in the technology sector from very early on.

Fundació Naturgy works to give the youngest in our community the most up-to-date knowledge on new energy technologies, such as renewable gas and its role in the circular economy, and the transition towards a more sustainable energy system.

Cristina Madueño, P5 tutor at Escola Àgora School in Sant Cugat, gave positive feedback of the initiative, “which is very closely linked to the contents we have already worked on in class and makes it easier for children, from a very young age, to start thinking about how small daily actions – such as going to school – have an impact on the environment”.

“Our aim is for teachers and students to have access to the most up-to-date technological information about energy. That’s why we also offer schools extra educational materials to work with independently in class, such as our Energykits, online apps, the Learning-Service scheme or the Efigy Technology Contest”, said the Head of Education and Learning at Fundació Naturgy, Eva Buch. “Furthermore, we will offer support from the professionals in our company to teachers, so they can learn the latest about energy, the environment and energy efficiency”, adds Buch.

Fundació Naturgy and its educational vocation

Efigy Education is the main educational scheme from Fundació Naturgy which, since 2012 and through different initiatives, has been recognised by and has worked with top institutions in the fields of education and research, such as the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation (FECYT), the Ministry of Education and Research of the Community of Madrid, the Barcelona Education Consortium, Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation and the Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Fundació Naturgy’s objectives include providing knowledge about new energy technologies and the energy transition, as well as teaching values around environmental conservation and responsible energy use. Created in 1992 by the energy company, it also develops social action schemes, principally including initiatives aimed at easing energy vulnerability.

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