Over 61,000 individuals benefit from collaborative efforts between our Foundation and Caritas in a united fight against energy vulnerability

Our Foundation and Caritas have consolidated their collective efforts against energy vulnerability, benefiting over 61,000 individuals. After six years of initiatives focused on improving the energy efficiency of homes and residential centres, as well as empowering families with the skills to manage their energy bills more effectively, they have renewed their collaboration.

Foundation Vice President Jordi Garcia Tabernero and General Manager María Eugenia Coronado recently signed a renewed collaboration agreement with Caritas Española Chairman Manuel Bretón. In place since 2017, the partnership has contributed to the rehabilitation of over 2,100 homes. In 2023 alone, over 9,000 individuals benefited from this collaboration.

The renewal of this agreement highlights the shared commitment of both entities to implement social programmes aimed at alleviating the vulnerability of thousands of families. This is accomplished through the rehabilitation efforts funded by our Foundation’s Energy Rehabilitation Solidarity Fund, along with providing energy advice and training to professionals within the organisation and vulnerable families supported by Caritas.

Jordi Garcia Tabernero expressed his satisfaction with the outcomes over the last six years: “Our ongoing collaboration with Caritas enables us to spearhead initiatives actively combating energy poverty and fostering a more equitable energy transition. By doing so, we contribute to enhancing the quality of life for those experiencing heightened economic precarity”.

Bretón, meanwhile, said that this new agreement “is a renewed source of motivation for us, as the Naturgy Foundation contributes extensive knowledge on energy-related issues (…) Our collaborative work has consolidated, yielding highly successful outcomes. We are sincerely thankful for all the projects we have accomplished and will continue to accomplish”, added the Caritas chairman.

Likewise, Coronado expressed that “our Foundation’s steadfast commitment to families facing vulnerability, coupled with the strong connection we have forged with a social organisation like Caritas, gives us extensive outreach all across the country”. The collaboration between both entities covers 42 provinces within 10 autonomous regions.

Self-consumption projects at Caritas centres

The renewed collaboration between our Foundation and Caritas also includes the installation of solar panels at two new centres belonging to the social organisation: San Javier in the Santiago de Compostela Diocese and Padre Damián in the Salamanca Diocese. These initiatives, with a capacity of 24.1 kWp, benefit 500 individuals.

These projects are being reinvigorated following the successful launch of four solar installations at Caritas centres located in Ávila, Valencia, Cuenca and Zamora. Additionally, three other projects were undertaken in collaboration with Caritas Diocesanas in Gandía and Madrid. In total, these self-consumption endeavours consist of 354 panels, boasting an installed capacity of 177 kWp and benefiting over 3,500 individuals.

These initiatives entail installing solar panels on buildings owned by the social organisation, providing residences for vulnerable individuals. The resulting cost savings enable the organisation to optimise resources for the benefit of those it supports. Furthermore, these efforts contribute to the workforce integration of vulnerable groups by employing professionals to carry out these installations.

The sustained collaboration over the last six years has enabled Caritas to oversee the energy rehabilitation of 2,100 homes for vulnerable families. This includes improvements such as insulation, closures, heating upgrades, replacement of lighting, electrical appliances and enhancements to electrical and natural gas installations. In 2023 alone, 344 homes underwent these transformations. A similar number of homes is expected to undergo rehabilitation in 2024.

Our Foundation’s Energy School will continue to offer training sessions to both Caritas volunteers and their beneficiaries. These sessions aim to improve comprehension of fundamental contract concepts, bill management, regulatory updates and offer advice on energy usage at home. To date, 77 workshops have been conducted, including 20 in 2023, attended by nearly 1,000 families (100 in 2023) and over 350 Caritas technicians (150 in 2023).

As an additional activity, this year our Foundation organised a charitable action in celebration of our Volunteer Week. It involved the accumulation of solidarity-driven energy kilometres, a tradition since 2020. This effort is then transformed into a financial contribution supporting food programmes for highly vulnerable individuals.

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