Supplier development programme. Colombia.

Companies that issue bills, deal with natural gas emergencies and restoration companies. The comprehensive training plan will enable the contracted companies to coordinate better with Gasoriente S.A., ESP and to raise quality and service levels in their operation. The implementation of this programme brings together 160 people who work in different positions at Prestegas, Tecnogas, Esystem, Siig and H&L.

Programa de formación de proveedores. Colombia.

With the aim of strengthening its value chain, Gasoriente S.A., ESP started the Supplier Development Programme (“Naturally Competitive”) in Bucaramanga with support from the Gas Natural Foundation. This programme aims to provide training to five small companies that provide services in the areas of customer service (taking readings, issuing bills, technical operations), restoration companies and emergency support regarding natural gas services.

The comprehensive training plan will enable the contracted companies to coordinate better with Gasoriente S.A., ESP and to raise quality and service levels in their operation.

The implementation of this programme brings together 160 people who work in different positions at Prestegas, Tecnogas, Esystem, Siig and H&L, five companies included in this programme. Attendees at the training programme, which will run from May to November, will highlight management skills, company strategy, administrative abilities, talent management, service management and other topics.

The programme will be financed using resources provided by the Gas Natural Foundation and Gasoriente S.A., ESP.

Gasoriente S.A, ESP, a subsidiary of Gas Natural S.A., ESP, is a company that distributes and sells natural gas in Bucaramanga, the oil port of Barrancabermeja and the towns of Yondó (Antioquia), San Pablo y Cantagallo (Bolívar), Girón, Piedecuesta, Floridablanca, Lebrija, Puerto Wilches, Sabana de Torres and the villages of Puente Sogamoso and El Pedral in the Department of Santander.


Colombia Communication

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