The Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation and the Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya analyse the immediate challenges faced by the power sector and the new energy business models
During the seminar The economic aspects of the new energy model, organised by the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation, in collaboration with the Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya, several economy experts analysed the energy transition and the role of renewable energy, from a macro a micro-economic point of view.
The increase in demand, the role of renewable energy, digitalisation and big data, the growing number of operators and increased customer expectations are some of the topics covered during the session.
President of the Barcelona subsidiary and president of the Economy and Sustainability commission at the Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya, Joan Ràfols, and Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation General Manager, Martí Solà, kicked-off the seminarThe economic aspects of the new energy model at the Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya, in which several key issues were addressed on the evolution of the power sector and its current scenario, such as the emergence of renewable energy, the regulatory situation in the different markets and digitalisation. Participants in the session included Mariano Marzo, professor of Energy Resources at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and honourable member of the Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya, and Juan Antonio López Abadía, DAMM’s Energy Optimisation manager.