Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome and Naturgy Foundation Webinar Conversations “CO₂ Absorptions” 11/06/202413/06/2024
Naturgy Foundation and Cercle d'Economia Webinar “Perspectives of the energy sector” 13/05/202413/05/2024
Naturgy Foundation Geopolitical pathways for the energy transition: Eastern Mediterranean 26/04/202426/04/2024
EY and Naturgy Foundation The regulation of the wholesale electricity market in the new European environment 25/04/202415/05/2024
Naturgy Foundation Webinar «The energy sector in the world. Perspectives» with Vaclav Smil 17/04/202417/04/2024
Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome and Naturgy Foundation Webinar Conversations “Employment and technological transformation” 08/04/202408/04/2024
Arthur D. Little (ADL) The effect of inflation on the electrification of the economy 13/02/202414/02/2024
Technological Research Institute of the Comillas Pontifical University Prospects for industrial transformation towards a green economy 25/01/202404/03/2024