CSIC and Naturgy Foundation Webinar “Research and innovation in the energy sector” 06/06/202307/06/2023
Elcano Royal Institute and Naturgy Foundation Webinar “Geopolitical paths of energy transition: transatlantic relationship” 09/05/202319/05/2023
Cercle d’Economia and Natugy Foundation Webinar “Situation of the energy sector” 08/05/202330/06/2023
Centro de Ciberseguridad Industrial The new electricity distribution: Cybersecurity in the digital transformation 12/04/202325/04/2023
Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome and Naturgy Foundation Webinar conversations “Circular Economy and Energy” 28/02/202319/05/2023
Naturgy Foundation Webinar “The Spanish proposal for the reform of the electricity market in the EU” 09/02/202319/05/2023
UFD distribución de electricidad, S.A. Grupo Naturgy and Minsait, with Naturgy Foundation Digitization of electrical networks. Training for a decarbonized future 18/01/202315/03/2024