Naturgy Foundation and the Regional Government renew their collaboration to promote vocational training in Galicia’s energy sector

The agreement – which was signed today with the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities – renews the original document signed in 2019 and extends the actions carried out to improve vocational training and employability in the energy sector in Galicia.

Naturgy Foundation and the Regional Government of Galicia (the Xunta) will continue to train future technical professionals in matters related to the energy transition. Today, the Regional Minister of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities, Román Rodríguez, and the Managing Director of the Naturgy Foundation, María Eugenia Coronado, renewed the agreement to update the curricular content of vocational training courses related to energy, with the aim of improving the employability of young people in the energy transition field.

As part of its Vocational Training for Employability Programme, the Naturgy Foundation will help transfer knowledge to energy-related vocational training courses in order to adapt them to new technological innovations and professional skills required in the current labour market. It will therefore provide courses and train teachers, students and sector professionals in areas such as the environment, energy efficiency and implementing new technologies.

The energy company’s foundation will provide advice and develop new content to update syllabuses and reinforce professional and personal skills, participate in training and refresher courses for teachers and students, provide educational material to centres that offer training courses related to the energy sector and offer sessions on future labour trends for students.

Meanwhile, the Xunta will encourage establishments to participate in the activities and motivate teachers to partake in the training offered by the Naturgy Foundation with up-to-date knowledge. The training provided as part of this collaboration will be recognised, registered and certified by both institutions.

For Rodríguez, “by consolidating this collaboration, we will ensure that Galician vocational training students have access to the most up-to-date knowledge in cutting-edge sectors that constantly offer new job opportunities”. He also stressed that “close collaboration between the academic and business worlds is one of the hallmarks of our vocational training”.

In that regard, Coronado highlighted the importance of strengthening collaboration with educational authorities to continue promoting and expanding the Vocational Training for Employability Programme. “The Naturgy Foundation wants to improve employability in the energy sector, and we believe that partnerships with educational authorities are key to achieving our goal”.

Since 2019, the Naturgy Foundation has provided training to more than 9,000 people, including teachers and vocational training students from 110 educational establishments in Galicia. With the agreement signed today, it aims to continue promoting this activity in the region.

Naturgy Foundation Vocational Training for Employability Programme

The Naturgy Foundation is strongly committed to promoting the training of young people, unemployed people and professionals who would like to update their skills in line with the technological transformation of the energy sector. Its Vocational Training for Employability Programme improves the readiness of the sector’s future professionals, facilitating their entry into the labour market.

At the national level, since the initiative’s launch, over 69,300 students have received training in the nine autonomous regions that have signed collaboration agreements with the Naturgy Foundation (Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia, Asturias, Valencia, Castile and León, Castile-La Mancha and Extremadura, in addition to Galicia).

The foundation has nine training modules that provide students with state-of-the-art technical knowledge and certification in areas such as sustainable mobility, sustainable rehabilitation and building construction, renewable gasses, the digitalisation of electricity networks, power consulting in vulnerable environments, installation and maintenance of solar panels, installation and maintenance of wind farms, green and digital gas networks, and sustainability applied to the productive system.

Alongside subject specialists, the Naturgy Foundation has also produced new educational resources designed for vocational training. This area includes the theory-practice textbooks Vocational Education and Training in Energy, Formación profesional para la empleabilidad, and their adaptation to the e-learning training courses produced alongside the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).

This Naturgy Foundation training opportunity is aligned with the Just Transition Strategy and is recognised and supported by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, nine regional education and employment authorities, the Public State Employment Service (SEPE), the National Training for Employment Foundation (FUNDAE) and the National Qualifications Institute (INCUAL).

Educational action to promote technological vocations in Galicia

In addition to its Vocational Training for Employability Programme, the Naturgy Foundation also offers its Efigy Education Programme for students aged between 3 and 18 to schools in Galicia, to encourage STEM vocations among the younger generations and promote gender equality. Since its launch in 2018, nearly 10,900 students have taken part in this activity.

The Naturgy Foundation offers guided tours of power generation plants and career guidance activities such as EduTecEmprende, in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities. The energy company’s foundation provides visits to its facilities to raise awareness of the different professional profiles needed in the sector.

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