Mª Teresa Costa-Campi (directora), Álvaro Choi de Mendizábal, Elisenda Jové-Llopis and Elisa Trujillo-Baute Understanding energy poverty: An analysis of persistence 12/12/202420/12/2024
María Teresa Costa-Campi (director), Álvaro Choi de Mendizábal, Elisenda Jové-Llopis, Elisa Trujillo-Baute Energy poverty: ecosystem of agents to combat it through proximity interventions 07/11/202308/11/2023
IIT Comillas and Naturgy Foundation Evaluation of the impact of express rehabilitation on energy poverty: analysis of real cases 27/06/202330/06/2023
Naturgy Foundation Webinar «Initiatives to alleviate energy poverty in the European context. European SocialWatt Project and EPIU Getafe Project» 04/02/202319/05/2023
Fundación Naturgy Express energy rehabilitation. Analysis and contributions of social entities 07/06/2022
Margarita de Luxán Express energy rehabilitation for vulnerable homes. Low Cost Solutions (2022 Update) 07/06/202214/12/2022
PwC y Fundación Naturgy The subsidised rate as a protection mechanism for the vulnerable consumer 09/03/202227/06/2024
María Teresa Costa-Campi (directora), Elisenda Jové-Llopis y Álvaro Choi de Mendizábal Jobs that the energy sector will demand 28/01/202227/10/2022