The Naturgy Foundation and Asturias will collaborate to update VT in the field of energy and improve the employability of future professionals in the sector
The energy company’s foundation is to work with the Regional Ministry of Education of the Principality on the extension of training cycles content relating to vehicular natural gas, renewable gas, sustainable rehabilitation and construction and energy vulnerability.

The Regional Minister of Education of the Principality of Asturias, Carmen Suárez, and the Director General of the Naturgy Foundation, María Eugenia Coronado, today signed a collaboration agreement that contributes to updating the curricular content of Vocational Training (VT) in terms of energy and teaching innovation for teachers in order to improve the employability of future graduates in the sector.
The Naturgy Foundation will work with the Asturian ministry to incorporate up-to-date technical knowledge required by the sector into training courses on vehicular natural gas, renewable gas, sustainable rehabilitation and construction and energy vulnerability.
In addition to transferring knowledge on energy innovation, the Naturgy Foundation will train teachers to update their knowledge, and will donate technical educational resources to centres dependent on the Principality of Asturias, so that they can be used as practical teaching materials when training students.
Suárez highlighted the importance of updating and gearing VT lessons to the reality of the labour market and, in this case, of professional groups related to the energy sector. The Minister acknowledged “the usefulness of this type of agreement, which makes it possible to promote studies linked to professions with a future among students and also to provide teachers with new resources through technological and teaching innovation projects”.
For Coronado, the importance of this agreement lies in the connection between the worlds of education and business. “Our aim is to share our knowledge and experience to prepare future professionals to enter the job market, and for them to contribute more value to energy sector companies,” explained the Naturgy Foundation’s managing director.
In addition to the agreement, the Foundation also plans to roll out its Efigy Education programme in Asturian primary, secondary and post-secondary schools. With these resources, it collaborates with the teachers to strengthen the curricular content relating to energy, energy efficiency and future technologies of the sector.
Naturgy Foundation
The Naturgy Foundation offers teachers and educational centres an extensive educational catalogue adapted to all levels, which boasts the recognition and collaboration of landmark institutions in the field of education and research such as the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Created in 1992, the Foundation seeks to educate, train, inform and raise social awareness of energy and environmental issues. It also develops social action programmes both nationally and internationally, in particular by supporting initiatives aimed at alleviating energy vulnerability.