The Naturgy Foundation Energy School arrives in Calicasas and Albondón to tell vulnerable families how they can consume energy efficiently and reduce their bill

The foundation of the energy company organizes two sessions with the municipalities of the two municipalities.

Around 330 people have received this training so far this year in the province of Granada.

Escuela de Energía Fundación Naturgy Vulnerabilidad

The Naturgy Foundation organizes in the coming days two new training sessions of the School of Energy in the province of Granada, aimed at families who are in a situation of energy vulnerability. The goal is to offer guidelines for more efficient energy consumption, reducing the amount of your bill without losing the comfort conditions at home.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 18, at 10 am there will be a session of the School of Energy, in the hands of the City Council of Calicasas, in the town. The other call will take place, in collaboration with the City Council of Albondón, on Wednesday, July 3 at 6:30 p.m. in this town.

So far this year, the Naturgy Foundation has already organized another 33 days of the Energy School in different locations in Granada, which have been attended by around 330 vulnerable families.

The School sessions work on subjects related to energy efficiency or optimising bills. They also give information on people who might be eligible for the subsidised rate, and help them to apply for it. “What we are trying to do is empower the most vulnerable people, so they can minimise the impact of the cost of energy by applying the measures and advice explained at the workshops”, says Ester Sevilla, director of the Naturgy Foundation’s Social Projects and International area.

The Energy School is a Naturgy Foundation project and part of Naturgy’s Energy Vulnerability Plan.María Coronado, Managing Director of the Naturgy Foundation, highlights the partnerships they have with public authorities and social entities for running the School: “This initiative is only possible thanks to the support of others with a lot of experience in this field, such as the public authorities, and the professionals and volunteers from NGOs, such as Cruz Roja and Cáritas, as well as many other social organisations that are doing a great job throughout Spain.”

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