Naturgy Foundation and Cáritas renew their energy collaboration to increase the over 17,000 people attended to in 2017 14/12/2021
Collaboration between the Naturgy Foundation and the Red Cross has helped over 10,500 vulnerable families with advice and energy refurbishments 02/12/2021
The Naturgy Foundation recognises the work of Fundación Exit in training young people with vulnerable backgrounds to work in the energy sector 20/07/2021
The Naturgy Foundation will share its workshops and volunteers with Energy Without Borders in order to reduce energy vulnerability. 31/05/2021
Over 1,700 vulnerable families improve the efficiency of their homes with the Naturgy Foundation Energy Rehabilitation Solidarity Fund 26/04/2021
Naturgy Foundation creates a personalised support service for vulnerable families assisted by its Energy School. 02/03/2021
The Naturgy Foundation announces the winners of the first ‘Prize for Best Social Energy Initiative’ and recognises the work of social organisations in their fight against energy vulnerability. 17/12/202025/01/2021
The Naturgy Foundation and Cáritas are to run a new social-innovation project in Ávila that will benefit more than 1,200 of the city’s residents 04/12/202025/01/2021
Naturgy joins International Volunteer Day with a marathon of solidarity activities over the entire month 04/12/202025/01/2021