The Naturgy Foundation Energy School arrives in Muxía and Santiago de Compostela to tell vulnerable families how they can consume energy efficiently and reduce their bill.
The energy company’s foundation organises these sessions in collaboration with the Council of Santiago de Compostela and the Council of Muxía.
Around 290 people in the A Coruña province have received this training so far this year.
In the coming days the Naturgy Foundation is organising three Energy School training sessions in the province of A Coruña for families in a situation of energy vulnerability. The aim is to offer them some guidelines on how to consume energy more efficiently, so they can reduce the amount of their bills without affecting their home comfort.
The session in Muxía will take place through the Council tomorrow at 11 am in the Museo del Voluntariado (Praza Camposa).
The Santiago de Compostela sessions have been taking place fortnightly since March and the next sessions will take place on 5 June (10.30 am at PASS CABES, Casa das Asociacións de Benestar Social, Rúa Manuel María, no. 6, Salgueiriños) and 19 June (10.30 am on Rúa de Frei Rosendo Salvado, no. 16, 15703 Santiago de Compostela).
So far this year, the Naturgy Foundation has held 29 Energy School training days in various towns around A Coruña.