``Impulse for your Business`` Programme

The Naturgy Foundation initiated the support to installers of domestic services of the Mexican Republic, in the fields of natural gas, electricity and water, through the combination of consultancy and training.

A public-private partnership was signed with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) and the Mayor’s Office of Cuauhtémoc, with the aim of developing and improving the quality of life of vulnerable groups. The ProEmpleo Foundation was integrated in Phase II, giving a twist to the programme. The aim was not only to create a business, but also to help participants find employment, which is why the programme changed its name to “Boosting Employability”.

From the start of the programme in September 2014 until May 2019, 370 people were trained, of whom 196 (50 women and 146 men) obtained their “Professionalization in natural gas, electricity and water” certification.

Energy Vulnerability Plan

In view of new social challenges, Naturgy Mexico’s commitment to society for the correct use of energy and the protection of its customers, especially the most vulnerable members of society, the company has implemented an Energy Vulnerability Plan, in line with the one that Naturgy launched in Spain in 2017.

The first step of this plan was to launch, together with the Monterrey Technological Institute, a report to identify the population in a situation of energy vulnerability in the metropolitan area of Monterrey and Saltillo using solid scientific-technical criteria.

The results of this research will enable Naturgy Mexico to lay the foundations to ensure the company is at the forefront of the design of Corporate Social Responsibility programmes especially aimed at vulnerable sectors of the population.

The Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation participates in the “Boost for your Business” programme to support training in plumbing, water, gas and electricity

With the aim of boosting employability and contributing to the development and training of entrepreneurs in technical subjects, the members of the Mixed Fund awarded certificates to the participants who concluded their theoretical-practical training in Human Development, Plumbing, Water, Gas, Electricity and Civil Protection in the “Boost for your Business” programme.

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) presents a book about business innovation

The book “Innovación y empresa: experiencias de innovación en México, España y Latinoamérica” was presented at the Ibero-American University on 17 November. The book analyses the experiences of public and private companies in Mexico, Spain, Argentina and Brazil during the 20th century.

Graduation from the training programme of suppliers in Mexico

The second block of companies trained in the “Boost for your business” programme have finished. Since it started in 2008, 57 companies have benefited from the programme, receiving certification as natural gas installation experts who are endorsed by the Mexican Natural Gas Association (AMGN), a leader in the sector and part of the advisory committees for the Mexican Official Standards.