
Our commitment to sustainability

One of the fundamental activities of the Foundation is information, training and awareness in areas concerned with the relationship between energy and the environment. Our aim is to bring general issues closer to the immediate environment, from several rigorous approaches, so that it is possible to move forward alongside knowledge, alternatives and solutions.

Events, Courses and Seminars

Educational activities and environmental awareness.


Books, notebooks, pedagogical cards and downloadable information sheets.


See news from the Naturgy Foundation on the environment.

Events, Courses and Seminars

The Naturgy Foundation organises environmental training and awareness events, courses and seminars throughout Spain and in some countries where it does business. They cover issues relating to energy and the environment, climate change, rational and efficient use of energy, alternative technologies, natural gas in transport and sustainable construction. Technological, social, economical and political aspects related to these topics are also discussed.

In addition, in 2019 the Naturgy Foundation has launched, together with IESE, “Energy Prospectives”, a series of high-level talks on the economic, technical and scientific conditions envisaged for the future of the energy sector.

The Foundation assesses each one of the activities it organises to ensure ongoing improvement. To that end, assessment files are produced that summarise the content, attendee opinions, event photos, available materials and repercussions in the press about the events organised.


Knowledge center

The foundation publishes texts on current issues related to energy and the environment in various levels of detail and scope and classified into: books, articles, presentations and other informative material of interest. All of them can be accessed for free.

The books or technical guides (of between 150 and 300 pages) deal with technological, economic, sociological and environmental issues relating to recent trends in the field of energy throughout its life cycle (extraction, transport, transformation, distribution and consumption) and are based on original studies and research commissioned by the Naturgy Foundation from leading Spanish experts on each topic. On the other hand, the articles are brief texts (of between 50 and 100 pages) on more specific issues within the same themes as the books.

All these publications by the foundation go on to form part of a knowledge center that is open to all users of this website. This documentation is organized into ten sections:

  1. Air quality
  2. Energy efficiency
  3. Energy and transport
  4. Renewable energy
  5. Export
  6. Technological innovation
  7. Environment
  8. Industrial heritage
  9. Energy transition
  10. Energy vulnerability