The Director General of Energy and Mines in the Aragon Regional Government visits the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation Energytruck exhibition 02/11/2017
The Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation and Vila-real City Council present the exhibition entitled ‘Gas Museum. Energy’ 05/10/2017
The Gas Museum discovers the secrets of nanoscience and nanotechnology in a new temporary exhibit 31/08/2017
A great sustainable truck, which shows the secrets of energy, reaches Olot, Figueres and Palamós 11/07/2017
The Gas Museum opens the exhibition “Want to Play? Let’s think about energy” at the Science House 11/07/2017
The Gas Museum takes part in the opening of an exhibition by the Fundació Enric Miralles, which supplements the “A kaleidoscope in the city” exhibition 24/03/2017