escritura de constitucion Catalana de Gas

Restoration of the constitution of the Sociedad Catalana para el Alumbrado por Gas, del año 1843.

Historical archive of the Fundación Gas Natural Fenosa.

© Fundación Gas Natural Fenosa, 2018.

The articles of association of the company Sociedad Catalana para el Alumbrado por Gas, the company that gave rise to the current Gas Natural Fenosa, is one of the jewels in the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation historical archive. In 1841, the Barcelona Council granted the city’s gas street lighting to French industrialist Charles Lebon after a tender process. Gas technology was already in operation in London and Paris and as a result of using this energy, these European cities led a stark social transformation.

In July 1841, the Regional government of Barcelona and Charles Lebon signed the first public street lighting contract in Spain, which was valid for 15 years. In January 1843, with the aim of supplying Barcelona, Charles Lebon and the businessmen Gil and Serra, as well as other shareholders, formed the Sociedad Catalana para el Alumbrado por Gas with six million reales of capital (1,500 shares of 4,000 reales). This company, which is now more than 175 years old, was formed to produce gas for public street lighting in the city, therefore, replacing the former oil lampposts. In addition to illuminating the city, the young energy company did not delay in securing its first subscribers, most notably shopkeepers and traders, who soon noticed the benefit of using gas for their activity. Other customers who committed to this pioneering energy were in the industry and entertainment sectors, as well as the most affluent homes.

In 1846, the Barcelona stock exchange started their variable income activity with ten companies. The Sociedad Catalana para el Alumbrado por Gas was included in these ten companies. The company developed and changed name several times throughout its history until it changed to its current name, Gas Natural Fenosa. The energy company that we know today maintains its leadership and working values to continue developing and improving.