Activity description

Through the Efigy Education Programme, the Naturgy Foundation offers school groups in Compulsory Secondary Education this classroom workshop entitled “Energy game”.

In four separate groups, pupils will take on the role of a power company and will need to invest in various power plants to supply energy to their city while considering such factors as supply guarantee, environmental impact and gas emissions.


  • Learn which energy sources are used the most.
  • Check that no miracle energy currently exists.
  • Understand the difficulty of applying a sustainable model of energy management.
  • Develop a critical attitude towards actions that lead to energy waste.


  • Knowledge and interaction with the physical world.
  • Information management and handling.
  • Learn to learn

Practical information

  • Hours: Monday to Friday, morning and afternoon.
  • Duration of the activities:  90 minutes.
  • Type: workshop.
  • Price: free.

Educational level

  • Compulsory Secondary Education.