
Naturgy Mexico Headquarters
Avenida Horacio 1750, Polanco
11550 Mexico City, CDMX (Mexico)

Free admission

25/05/2017 – 30/06/2017 – Mexico City (Mexico)

From 25 May to 30 June 2017, as a result of the opening of the Gas Natural Fenosa office in Mexico, we will present an exhibition entitled “Haciendo historia en México y en el mundo” (Making history in Mexico and the world). The exhibition follows the country’s energy evolution through the social changes that led to the application of new technology and inventions, and also reflects on the present and future of energy.

Haciendo historia en México y en el mundo reveals the history and the features of the energy industry in Mexico. Over the 20 years in Mexico the company has provided innovative energy services, promoting respect for the environment and efficiency through a responsible use of energy. The company activity carried out has meant the energy demands of over 1.7 million customers have been met and it has also driven a social programme designed to benefit vulnerable groups.

The history of energy reveals that it played a leading role in the progress of society. The advent of public lighting in cities lit up the night and broke the agricultural cycle that had previously prevailed. This saw the birth of a new kind of activity which had been previously unthinkable: cities began offering a host of cultural and entertainment options at night.

The exhibition also reflects on the future of energy and the tools available to ensure sustainable energy production. By presenting the different energy alternatives that are available, the exhibition gives visitors the keys to understanding the advantage and drawbacks of all sources of energy to emphasise that there are no magic formulas for solving our energy needs in the future. The coming decades will be marked by security of supply, economic costs and their impact on the environment, as well as mankind’s capacity for technical and social innovation. Encouraging responsible energy consumption with minimal environmental impact through savings and efficiency will be among the crucial issues of our future agenda.