170 años de compañía

Exposición Publicidad para una historia 170 años


Gas Natural Fenosa
Avenida de San Luís, 77
28033 Madrid
Tríptico exposición

19/11/2013 – 12/01/2014 – Madrid

Few companies can celebrate 170 years. Those that can have an ability to reinvent themselves and quickly and efficiently adapt to the changing needs in their sector while adding great effort to their inherent fighting spirit and a large dose of creativity and innovation.

The case of the current Gas Natural Fenosa is unique. The company’s transformation over 170 years has occurred because they want to play a leading role in the industrial history of Spain. With this in mind, Gas Natural Fenosa, through the Historical Archive and their Foundation’s Gas Museum, has made sure to preserve and conserve the original documentation generated by their progress over the years.

The selection of items and document collections enables the Gas Natural Fenosa Foundation Gas Museum to show a history of how the company was advertised. The communication campaigns, ephemeral in nature, have become works of high historical and artistic value. Through the wealth of content in the company’s largest archive and the collection of unique items in Spain, we can now discover a universe of memories and facts that enable us to reconstruct and tell the technological, economic and social history of Spain.