The electricity grid is currently partially sensor-equipped and digitised. Digitisation can be used to obtain knowledge about the most important parameters of the grid and operate some switches remotely. This means the grid can be operated in real time, minimising the impact of overloads or breakdowns. To achieve this, the grid has an overlapping communications network and a large number of installed sensors, plus specific communication protocols that guarantee that data is received in real time and with sufficient quality.

Duration of training: 25 hours


    • General communications architecture: 104, GST, GST-IP, SCADA/COR
    • Current substation communications system
    • Protocol 61850 and smart substation
    • CT electronics: concentrator, SBT, SABT, FFAA, RTU, and TT, IT measuring equipment
    • Smartmeter: PLC PRIME
    • Convergence of operating technology (OT) and information technology (IT)

    IT evolution and trends
    Transformation of OT by IT

    • Trends in transforming operating technology

    Problems solved by Edge architecture (data volume and decision delay)
    Functions offered by Edge architecture
    Types of convergence
    Convergences based on Agents
    Content orchestrators

    • Distributed Architectures

    Description of of layers and components
    Description of high level of current implementation

    • Applying distributed architectures (Edge) in industrial settings

    Cases of use by government (devices and apps)
    Cases of use by electricity business
    Cases of use by industry

Equipment provided

We provide the following technical materials to complement the training:

  • Teaching materials used during the course, including technical content and exercises with answers that can be used directly in the classroom.
  • Practical visits.

Professional groups and training

Programme students are preferably Vocational Training teachers in the professional category of “Electricity and Electronics”, “Computing and Communications” and “Installation and Maintenance”. Prior computing knowledge is required.

They will be given tips and teaching materials in order to be able to transmit what they have learnt to their students.

More information and requests:

If you are interested in our vocational training programme, contact us by:

Phone: 93 412 96 80