High-level conversations on the future of the energy sector

We organise seminars and conferences to raise awareness and share knowledge, both in-person and via online webinars. At these events, participants debate the technological, environmental, social, economic and political aspects of specific topics related to energy and the environment.

Furthermore, we promote analysis forums with experts and representatives from the sector to contribute to the development of new energy technologies with potential that are yet to reach a level of maturity or profitability.

Energy Prospectives with IESE Business School

A series of high-level conversations on the economic, technical and scientific circumstances envisaged for the future of the energy sector.Energy Prospectives brings together figures recognised nationally and internationally for their experience, vision and knowledge of the energy sector, drawing them closer to business leaders, regulators, executives and academics.

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Conversations between experts with Club of Rome

Webinars based on conversations between experts on current affairs related to energy, the environment and sustainability. Club of Rome has intensified the level of debate seeking alternatives to the economics and way of life that existed prior to our awareness of the risks associated with global warming.

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Geopolitical paths of energy transition with Elcano Royal Institute

Seminars at which we examine the geopolitical implications of the energy transition. This partnership between the two institutions explores the global panorama presented by the transformation we are experiencing in the field of energy and the environment.

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Situation of the energy sector with Cercle d’Economia

Naturgy Foundation and Cercle d’Economia are jointly addressing the state of the energy sector in the complex international landscape, with particular emphasis on Europe and Spain.

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Research and innovation in the energy sector with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Naturgy Foundation and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) are organising a new series to discuss disruptive research and promising developments in the field of energy.

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Knowledge centre


After a seminar or conference takes place, we make the corresponding presentations and documents available free-of-charge on our website.

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