Nearly 150 social service professionals from all over Spain exchange experiences on energy vulnerability management in a webinar organised by Naturgy Foundation 05/10/202029/12/2020
We collaborate with Naturgy and its partner companies to carry out energy rehabilitation in vulnerable homes 04/08/202014/08/2020
The Naturgy volunteers and Reynés take stock of the year with 4,000 vulnerable families assisted and over 6,600 working hours dedicated to social action across the world 07/07/2020
More than 4,000 families in a situation of energy vulnerability benefit from the social programmes by the Naturgy Foundation and the Spanish Red Cross 19/12/2019
Environmental volunteers from Naturgy Foundation rebuild natural habitats equal to 13 football pitches 03/10/2019
The Naturgy Foundation and Cáritas attend to around 20,000 people in Spain and renew their partnership to carry out energy rehabilitation and education for vulnerable groups 18/07/2019