The Naturgy Foundation awards the Research and Technological Innovation Prize in the energy field to a hydrogen generation project from the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry. 27/06/202401/07/2024
More than a thousand students from Valls and Tarragona are participating in Fundació Naturgy’s educational scheme on new energy technologies 25/01/2021
The Naturgy Foundation donates 12,000 euros to Cáritas in an initiative by its volunteers to help ease the COVID-19 crisis 29/12/202025/01/2021
The Naturgy Foundation announces the winners of the first ‘Prize for Best Social Energy Initiative’ and recognises the work of social organisations in their fight against energy vulnerability. 17/12/202025/01/2021
Housing rehabilitation and improved efficiency must be priority structural measures to eradicate energy poverty 11/12/202025/01/2021
The Naturgy Foundation and Cáritas are to run a new social-innovation project in Ávila that will benefit more than 1,200 of the city’s residents 04/12/202025/01/2021
Naturgy joins International Volunteer Day with a marathon of solidarity activities over the entire month 04/12/202025/01/2021
The EU must prioritise massive support for hydrogen R&D to reduce costs and avoid excess production subsidies 03/12/202025/01/2021
The Naturgy Foundation and the Red Cross help over 7,000 vulnerable families with advice, training and energy rehabilitations 02/12/202025/01/2021
For the third year in a row, the Naturgy Foundation has renewed its collaboration agreement with Caritas to continue guaranteeing access to energy for thousands of vulnerable families 01/12/202025/01/2021