Housing rehabilitation and improved efficiency must be priority structural measures to eradicate energy poverty 11/12/202025/01/2021
We collaborate with Naturgy and its partner companies to carry out energy rehabilitation in vulnerable homes 04/08/202014/08/2020
The renovation of properties in the Llar Casa Bloc in Barcelona has started, with collaboration from the Foundation 11/06/2020
Vulnerable families in the Region of Murcia, Ciudad Real and Guadalajara benefit from the Naturgy Foundation’s housing energy rehabilitation programme 11/02/2020
Over 1,000 vulnerable families benefit from the Naturgy Foundation household energy rehabilitation programme. 29/01/2020
The Naturgy Foundation collaborates with the regional government to include vehicular natural gas, energy rehabilitation and renewable gas in Dual Vocational Training at Galician education centres 27/11/201928/11/2019
Naturgy Foundation to collaborate with Isadora Duncan Foundation on energy-related property rehabilitations in homes of vulnerable families 25/09/2019
Naturgy Foundation renovates over 500 properties for vulnerable families to improve energy efficiency in their homes and reduce energy bills 16/07/2019
Naturgy Foundation to renovate children’s shelter at Trilema Foundation’s Colegio Soria 10/07/201915/07/2019